+ - 0:00:00
Notes for current slide
  • Before I get started: I just want to note that I'm going to cover a lot of topics briefly
  • I have these slides, notes, and links to further reading about everything I mention at the URL here
  • And I'll have the URL up again at the end so if you miss it now you can get it then
Notes for next slide
  • You write beautiful Python code
  • If you think it'll be useful to others, you want to share it
  • When you share it, you want to do it in a way that people to know how to download and use it
  • And you may even want people to collaborate with you to make the code even better

Share Your Code!

Python Packaging without Complication




  • Before I get started: I just want to note that I'm going to cover a lot of topics briefly
  • I have these slides, notes, and links to further reading about everything I mention at the URL here
  • And I'll have the URL up again at the end so if you miss it now you can get it then
def beautiful_code():
"""This code is so beautiful."""
print('Hello, PyCon!')
  • You write beautiful Python code
  • If you think it'll be useful to others, you want to share it
  • When you share it, you want to do it in a way that people to know how to download and use it
  • And you may even want people to collaborate with you to make the code even better

“I want to share my code!
What do I need to do?”

  • What do we need in order to do that?


  • First, we need to package the code
  • And then upload it to the package index
  • This allows people to install it the way they expect, via pip


  • I also said that we want people to know how to use the code
  • This means having documentation
  • What else?

Source Hosting

  • If we want people to be able to collaboarate with us to make the code better
  • then we need to put the code somewhere people can access it
  • This typically means putting it on GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab, or another provider


  • And we want to make sure the when people make changes they don't break things
  • So we need tests


  • we want the tests to be run automaticlaly
  • so we can see if any incoming contributions breaks things
  • so we should set up a continuous integration service to run our tests


  • we should have a license so people know under what terms they can use the code


  • we should probably have contributing instructions so people know how to go about helping
  • this should include things like
  • should they open an issue first?
  • submit a pull request?
  • what kind of things do you want help with?

we need




Source Hosting





  • Now we have a list of things we need to do to share our code

“But I just wanted to share my code!”

  • at this point you may be thinking that setting up all of this sounds like a lot of work
  • and you know it would be


  • If you only take one thing away from this talk, I hope it's this:
  • Because someone has already done a lot of work to get these things set up for you



  • If you only take one thing away from this talk, I hope it's this:
  • Because someone has already done a lot of work to get these things set up for you
  • Use cookiecutter
  • cookiecutter is a tool that allows you to make new projects from templates
  • templates can be for any kind of project but there a number of good ones for python packages -- i have one linked with the notes
  • My recommendation is to start with a template that's close to what you want
  • fork it, and then updated it for your preferences
  • you can then use that when you make new projects


  • before we go any further I want to go over some terminology just to make sure we're using the same language.


Saved Python code

  • Anything importable from a file

Import Package

namespace / directory

  • Just a directory structure for organizing python modules

Distribution Package

Shareable / installable

  • Then a distribution package is your code
  • bundled-up in a way that it can be shared and installed
  • This talk is about sharing your code so for the rest of the talk the term "package" refers to one of these
  • of course to make things more complex there are multiple types of distrubtion packages

Source Distribution


  • a source distribution contains bundled source code
  • this includes extension source if you have extensions in anohter language like C
  • when you install a source distribution any extensions are complied at install time

Built Distribution


  • built distributions are built or compiled beforehand so they just need to be unpacked at install time
  • eggs are an older format may see referenced
  • but wheels are the current built distribution format and you should be making them for your projects
  • for a while the package index only supported uploading weels for windows and mac
  • more recently the manylinux platform tag was developed
  • it defines a lowest-common denominator linux interface which allows wheels to be built that will work on most linux systems


  • and of course there are multiple types of wheels too



  • and of course there are multiple types of wheels too

  • a universal wheel is one that contains only python code and is compatible with python 2 and 3



Pure Python

  • and of course there are multiple types of wheels too

  • a universal wheel is one that contains only python code and is compatible with python 2 and 3

  • a pure python wheel is specific to either 2 or 3 but is still only python code



Pure Python


  • and of course there are multiple types of wheels too

  • a universal wheel is one that contains only python code and is compatible with python 2 and 3

  • a pure python wheel is specific to either 2 or 3 but is still only python code

  • a platform wheel has compiled code so it's specific to a target platform

  • one has to be created for every platform on which you want to


  • this is the extremely short version of packaging history
  • the packaging ecosystem grew organically and for a long time it wasn't clear what was considered the current best practice
  • if you searched online you'd find lots of conflicting information about how to do things


Copy / Replace

  • this is the extremely short version of packaging history
  • the packaging ecosystem grew organically and for a long time it wasn't clear what was considered the current best practice
  • if you searched online you'd find lots of conflicting information about how to do things

  • so the way i'd go about packaging was: i'd find a project that seemed to have it together and make a copy

  • and then replace their code with mine and then change the project name in the files


Copy / Replace


  • this is the extremely short version of packaging history
  • the packaging ecosystem grew organically and for a long time it wasn't clear what was considered the current best practice
  • if you searched online you'd find lots of conflicting information about how to do things

  • so the way i'd go about packaging was: i'd find a project that seemed to have it together and make a copy

  • and then replace their code with mine and then change the project name in the files

  • then in 2011 the packaging authority working group was created to take over maintenance of core packaging tools

  • and they've since worked to make some great improvements to the packaging ecosystem


Copy / Replace




  • this is the extremely short version of packaging history
  • the packaging ecosystem grew organically and for a long time it wasn't clear what was considered the current best practice
  • if you searched online you'd find lots of conflicting information about how to do things

  • so the way i'd go about packaging was: i'd find a project that seemed to have it together and make a copy

  • and then replace their code with mine and then change the project name in the files

  • then in 2011 the packaging authority working group was created to take over maintenance of core packaging tools

  • and they've since worked to make some great improvements to the packaging ecosystem

  • besides the specification and tooling improvements, another major contribution of the working group is maintenance of the python packaging user guide

  • so we finally have an authoritative resource for how we should be creating and installing packages

“Let's make a package!”

  • Let's make a package for our code

Using cookiecutter

$ cookiecutter cookiecutter-python-package
full_name (default is "Dave Forgac")?
email (default is "tylerdave@tylerdave.com")?
github_username (default is "tylerdave")?
project_name (default is "Example")? Example Package
repo_name (default is "boilerplate")? Example-Package
project_short_description (default is "A short description")?
Example package for PyCon talk.
release_date (default is "2017-05-21")?
year (default is "2017")?
version (default is "0.1.0")?
  • when you use cookiecutter it prompts you for some information about your project
  • and then generates a directory structure for your project customized with your input


├── data
│ └── data_file
├── README.rst
├── sample
│ ├── __init__.py
│ └── package_data.dat
├── setup.cfg
├── setup.py
└── tests
├── __init__.py
└── test_sample.py
  • here is an overview of the files that make up a minimal package
  • most templates will have more but we'll take a look at these files first


├── data
│ └── data_file
├── README.rst
├── sample
│ ├── __init__.py
│ └── package_data.dat
├── setup.cfg
├── setup.py
└── tests
├── __init__.py
└── test_sample.py
  • The first part is your code
  • the directory was created by cookiecutter and then the code was copied into it
  • a common pattern is to store your code in an import package with the same name as the project


├── data
│ └── data_file
├── README.rst
├── sample
│ ├── __init__.py
│ └── package_data.dat
├── setup.cfg
├── setup.py
└── tests
├── __init__.py
└── test_sample.py
  • most important file for packaging and distribution
  • has info about the package that's used during installation and by the package index
  • note that it's just python code and that it's executed during installation
  • this would allow you to do some fancy things
  • but don't do fancy things


├── data
│ └── data_file
├── README.rst
├── sample
│ ├── __init__.py
│ └── package_data.dat
├── setup.cfg
├── setup.py
└── tests
├── __init__.py
└── test_sample.py
  • configuration file to go along with setup.py
  • it's commonly used for configuring wheel building options and configuration for packaging related plugins and tooling


├── data
│ └── data_file
├── README.rst
├── sample
│ ├── __init__.py
│ └── package_data.dat
├── setup.cfg
├── setup.py
└── tests
├── __init__.py
└── test_sample.py
  • by default your python code will be included when you build a distrubtion package
  • but if you need any non-python files to be included they need to be listed in MANIFEST.in
  • this is typically used for things like data files, configuration, and docs


├── data
│ └── data_file
├── README.rst
├── sample
│ ├── __init__.py
│ └── package_data.dat
├── setup.cfg
├── setup.py
└── tests
├── __init__.py
└── test_sample.py
  • the README is what people see when they browse your project on source hosting like github
  • it's also commonly used as the long discription for the package index
  • it should contain general information about what your code does, basic usage instructions, and where to find more info like a link to your docs

setup.py (1/2)

from setuptools import setup, find_packages
name='Example Package',
version='0.1.0', # PEP440-compliant version
description='Example package for PyCon talk.',
long_description='Displayed on PyPI project page.',
author='Dave Forgac',
packages=find_packages(exclude=['docs', 'tests'])
'sample': ['package_data.dat']
  • now let's take a look at a setup.py
  • we import setup and optionally find_packages from setuptools
  • then the packaging settings are defined as arguments to the setup function

setup.py (1/2)

from setuptools import setup, find_packages
name='Example Package',
version='0.1.0', # PEP440-compliant version
description='Example package for PyCon talk.',
long_description='Displayed on PyPI project page.',
author='Dave Forgac',
packages=find_packages(exclude=['docs', 'tests'])
'sample': ['package_data.dat']
  • then we define basic package meta-information
  • like name of project
  • a description of the project
  • the version number
  • author information
  • long_description
  • often you'll see long_description loaded from README / DESCRIPTION

setup.py (1/2)

from setuptools import setup, find_packages
name='Example Package',
version='0.1.0', # PEP440-compliant version
description='Example package for PyCon talk.',
long_description='Displayed on PyPI project page.',
author='Dave Forgac',
packages=find_packages(exclude=['docs', 'tests'])
'sample': ['package_data.dat']
  • then we define what import packages should be included in the distribution
  • they can be listed manually but the find_package we imported above will do it for you
  • if you use it you exclude things that aren't meant to be installed

setup.py (1/2)

from setuptools import setup, find_packages
name='Example Package',
version='0.1.0', # PEP440-compliant version
description='Example package for PyCon talk.',
long_description='Displayed on PyPI project page.',
author='Dave Forgac',
packages=find_packages(exclude=['docs', 'tests'])
'sample': ['package_data.dat']
  • install_requires is what is used to determine the dependencies of your package at install time
  • so when you pip install the package, things listed here will be installed
  • note that this is different from requirements.txt we'll look at that in a moment but i've linked to a page with more details about the distinctions in the notes

setup.py (1/2)

from setuptools import setup, find_packages
name='Example Package',
version='0.1.0', # PEP440-compliant version
description='Example package for PyCon talk.',
long_description='Displayed on PyPI project page.',
author='Dave Forgac',
packages=find_packages(exclude=['docs', 'tests'])
'sample': ['package_data.dat']
  • then package data allows you to define extra files that will be included in your pacakge
  • they are exposed to your code via the name on the left so you don't have to worry about calculating paths

setup.py (2/2)

'console_scripts': [
'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha',
'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 2',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6',
  • Entry points defines interfaces that your package provides
  • this is commonly used for defining plugins
  • console_scripts is a special type of entry point
  • it creates commands that map command names on the left to your python code on the right
  • it's good to use this because it does the right thing depending on the OS
  • on linux and mac it'll create a wrapper script and put it on the path
  • on windows it'll create a small exe file that knows how to find the right code

setup.py (2/2)

'console_scripts': [
'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha',
'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 2',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6',
  • Indicate the license under which your code is released
  • Then the classifiers section lists categorization information about the package
  • this is typically used to indicate which versions of python you intend to support
  • but as of now nothing is enforced based on this information

setup.py (2/2)

'console_scripts': [
'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha',
'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 2',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6',
  • install_requires ensures dependencies are met
  • package_data is mapping pkg name to relative path
  • data_files can specify data outside of your path

  • scripts can specify an individual script

  • entry_points is used for dynamic plugin discovery
  • most common entry_point is console scripts
  • console scripts makes an executable wrapper


universal = 1        
exclude = docs
  • the setup.cfg file contains additional packaging settings
  • here we see settings for wheel building
  • and for the plugin flake8


include LICENSE
include README.rst
recursive-include tests *
recursive-exclude * __pycache__
recursive-exclude * *.py[co]
  • manifest.in lists files that should be included or excluded on top of what setuptools finds


Example Package
License: MIT
Documentation: https://example.com
``sample --help``
  • the readme is in restructured text format and


  • If you're publishing your code, you need a license
  • Coose from one of the common OS licenses unless your laywer tells you otherwise
  • include it in a file named license and reference it in your README and setup.py




  • even if this is just an experimental project, you need tests
  • but at minimum, test that the most basic use case works as expected
  • then if you're looking to improve coverage, note that you want help with tests in your contributing instructions
  • people are a lot more likely to expand on existing tests than they are to create them for you from scratch
  • your template should include configuration for running your tests
  • in my case using tox



  • like tests you should have at least basic usage documentation
  • again, people are a lot more likely to add to existing documentation than they are to add docs wholesale
  • the templates will give you good structure for your documentation and you should at least fill in the usage information



  • the template should include configuration for your CI service
  • i use travis ci by default but if you have a different service your template should have configuration for that


  • this serves a different purpose than the install_requires in setup.py
  • this is generally a list of dependencies used by developers
  • a great tool for managing this is called pip-tools
  • i have a link to it in my further reading

Also Common

(rst | md | txt)





“Now let's share our code!”

  • ok, we have all of our files in place and we're ready to share the code

Git init

cd Example-Package
git init
git add .
git commit -m 'initial commit'
  • assuming we're using git we'll add our code to source control

Run tests

___________________________ summary __________________________
py27: commands succeeded
py34: commands succeeded
py35: commands succeeded
py36: commands succeeded


git add .
git commit -m "add hello pycon functionality"




Create a github repo

  • we're going to create a new github repo

Travis CI




travis enable

  • add our repo to travis
  • sign in with github
  • click + next to my repos

Git push

To git@github.com:tylerdave/Example-Package.git
* [new branch] master -> master
Branch master set up to track remote branch master
from origin.
  • push our code to github

See builds succeeding!

build jobs

  • go back to travis and see our builds are succeeding

ReadTheDocs logo

  • next we're going to set up documentation hosting
  • sign up for account / login
  • click import from github
  • select project, verify settings
  • click build, wait -> view



  • create an account on pypi
  • you'll use this when uplading packages



Test PyPI


  • create an account on pypi
  • you'll use this when uplading packages
  • note that there's a test instance of the package index
  • so if you want to experiment with the upload process you can do it there without adding more junk to the real index

Save PyPI Settings


repository = https://pypi.python.org/pypi
username = <username>
password = <password>
  • to make things easier for you
  • you should save some settings in a .pypirc file in your home directory
  • Can omit password and the tools will prompt you for them instead
  • Can configure alternate indexes




  • should work in a virtualenv
  • check out pew or virtualenvwrapper to make things easier for you

Packaging Tools

pip install wheel

pip install twine

  • depending on your environment you may need to install wheel
  • and install twine, which is a tool for uploading your packages to the index

Build dist. files

./setup.py sdist

./setup.py bdist_wheel


make dist

  • run commands to build distrubiton files
  • if you use one of the default templates it'll give you a Makefile that includes make dist


twine upload dist/*

  • twine will register the package if it's not already registered
  • and then upload your distribution files
  • you should use twine because the upload command that's built into setup.py is insecure


pip install example-package

  • now you can install your package via pip

Develop Mode

./setup.py develop


pip install -e .
  • going-forward you can install your package in editable development mode
  • this will make it so that you can edit your code and see the changes in your virtualenv without reinstalling
  • note that if you change the entry points at all you do need to re-run the install command

Rinse, Repeat

  • then you can change your code
  • update the version
  • commit and push
  • verify tests are passing
  • build distribution files
  • upload them to pypi




  • two tools that take different approaches to this are bumpversion and versioneer





  • don't set up all this stuff by hand
  • use existing templates



Use the tools

  • don't set up all this stuff by hand
  • use existing templates
  • take the time to set up tools and services that will make your life easier in the long run



Use the tools

Share your code!

  • don't set up all this stuff by hand
  • use existing templates
  • take the time to set up tools and services that will make your life easier in the long run
  • share your code so other people can benefit from the cool stuff you do

Thank you!

Please leave feedback




def beautiful_code():
"""This code is so beautiful."""
print('Hello, PyCon!')
  • You write beautiful Python code
  • If you think it'll be useful to others, you want to share it
  • When you share it, you want to do it in a way that people to know how to download and use it
  • And you may even want people to collaborate with you to make the code even better


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